I was immediately fall in love with beautiful fabric at antique market in U.K.
I strongly wanted to see the factory, so searched on internet then found one phone number. I felt it is like kind of destiny to go there at the time. In the Hungary, the person who working at the hotel helped to phone him, taught me the way to the factory.
I could not forgot the moment when I stood at in front of blue door, also I was so excited of this adventure. He opened the door and say the word that I could not understand. but I tried to explain "I am japanese who want to see the factory", then he smiled and let me in. Artisan explained all of the process enthusiastically. I could not understand the language but I feel we understood the mind and words each other. because I felt we has same passion for the fabric.
One more amazing fact is using blocks as it in India. It is known as ancient technique.